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Below you will find different lesson types! Some lesson types will not always be available. If you have a question please reach out via email!

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ISR Self-Rescue

Initial Self Rescue lessons are approximately 6 weeks, 5 days per week, 10 minutes a day. Lessons are new students ages 6 months- 6 years. Students will learn Self-Rescue skills either rolling back to float or swim-float-swim sequence, depending on development

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Maintenance lessons are used to help a student maintain their skills that they learned in initial lessons. Maintenance lessons can be once a week or multiple times a week. To sign up for this lesson type you must have been through initial ISR lessons with an ISR instructor.

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Refresher lessons are utilized after ISR Self-Rescue lessons and as your child grows to refresh skills. It is important as your child grows and develops their in-water skills grow and develop with them.

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