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Beach Ball in Pool
  • Where are you located?
    Merritt Clubs in Towson, 8:30am-12pm. Private Residence in Monkton, MD 3pm-6pm
  • How many days a week are lessons and how long is each session?
    Lessons are attended 10 minutes a day, 5 consecutive days a week for approximately 6 weeks. The consistency of daily lessons is critical for learning efficiency. These are NOT traditional swim lessons! We are teaching highly specialized skills and it is very important to attend class every day. If you cannot commit to this schedule, you may not register until you are sure you can.
  • I work and/or my child is you offer PM lessons?
    I have later afternoon/evening times available at the Monkton, MD location. Make sure to follow @isrbaltimore on instagram; get added to my waitlist to get updates on addition locations and times.
  • Will you come to my home to do private lessons?
    For private lessons inquiries, email us and we can let you know if its something we are able to work into the upcoming schedule. We typically can only fit in one private stop in the summer session. Private lessons start at $400/week/student (no sibling discounts applied) and depending on location may incur an additional travel fee. If you want lessons to be at your home for convenience purposes but without the private lesson premium consider applying to be a summer host pool. Host families allow us to use their pool for daily 2.5 hour block of time, M-F in the 6 week summer session. The perks of hosting are preferred choice of timeslot for the host family's children and the host family can enjoy a non-existent commute. Hosting is also a great way to "do your part" ensuring not only your own children get skilled, but to help us reach more children in your very own community.
  • Do you give group lessons?
    No, lessons are always one-on-one.
  • Do I have to get in the water?
    Parents are not required to get in the water during lessons BUT your instructor may suggest a time when it may make sense for you to join a few lessons with your child, towards the end of the session, to learn how to play with them in the water while honoring their hard earned skills.
  • Is my child too old/too young for ISR lessons?
    The ISR program is for infants and children aged 6 months- 6 years, but really there is no upper limit. Older children are just more likely to learn in a shorter period of time than the typical 6 week session. On the younger end, he or she must b 6 months AND must be able to sit in an upright position independently.
  • My child loves/hates/is fearful of/has no experience in the water. Will he still be able to learn the skills?
    Absolutely! We teach children to have a healthy respect for the water, and we work in very small increments each day. We present children with small achievable tasks and always set them up to succeed. They learn to trust their skills, and in turn, they gain an incredible amount of confidence in the water.
  • What if my child cries? Will he develop a "fear" of the water?
    Some children cry the first few lessons due to anxiety. He is in a new building with a pool he's never been to being handed into the water to a stranger - it's normal for him to be wary of the situation! It's important for us to teach your child to trust his/her instructor and eventually to trust the water. Many kids can't wait to come to lessons by the end of the first week! Remember, fear is a learned behavior. We didn't come out of the womb afraid of spiders or water or large dogs. When someone has a negative experience that involves the fearful object or experience, fear is developed. Your child will only truly be fearful of the water if he or she has witnessed or experienced a traumatic aquatic event.
  • I don't want my child to cry under any circumstances. Ever.
    ISR might not be the right fit for your family. Parents who have lost a child to drowning will tell you they'd give everything to hear their child cry again. If it makes you uncomfortable to hear your child cry, think about what it would feel like to never have the opportunity to hear him at all. And more importantly, remember some of the reasons children cry being in a car seat, being placed in their crib, not getting their way in public or at home.
  • How much do lessons cost?
    Depends on Location! $160/week at Merritt in Towson $150/week at Private Residence in Monkton Private lessons (where I travel to you)- depends on your location and how many children I would be teaching. For more specific pricing reach out via email to Note lessons are 5 days a week for 6 weeks. A non-refundable, non-transferable, 1 week tuition deposit is due at the time of slot selection to secure your time slot and is payable via Venmo, square, or apple pay. Payment plans for tuition balances are available for families with siblings and/or those who need it. The is a one-time registration fee of $105 which goes directly to ISR (NOT your instructor) to cover a comprehensive medical background check that you complete online when you register for classes. ISR’s staff of nurses reviews all the information in full to ensure your child can safely participate in lessons. One example that might prevent your child from being trained by ISR is a history of seizures. Registration links will be sent out approx 4 weeks prior to the start of lessons at which time you will pay the fee. Sibling Discounts: Sibling discounts are available for 2 or more siblings enrolled in lessons at the same time. Tuition for the 2nd sibling is discounted by 10%, a 3rd sibling enrolled simultaneously is discounted by 15%. The one-time national registration fee mentioned above is $105.00 per child and is not subject to sibling discounts.
  • Why are ISR lessons so much more expensive than regular swim programs?
    Great question! ISR has been researched and developed for 55+ years. It’s nationally recognized as the safest swim program for infants and children. Your children will learn life saving skills that traditional lessons do not provide. If you are looking for a swim class that focuses on socialization and play rather than safety and survival, you might consider traditional swim lessons. 1. ISR teaches your children to SWIM. There are no other programs in Maryland that will teach your child to swim with his face in the water or offer any sort of guarantee about what he will learn. Many parents come to us after spending hundreds of dollars on traditional “swim” programs frustrated because their child doesn’t have any discernible skills after weeks, months, or even years of lessons. 2. You do not need to enroll your children into swim lessons summer after summer, year after year. Once they learn these skills, they have them forever. With maintenance and refresher lessons, they will retain their skills indefinitely. You end up spending more money over time on traditional lessons that are taught by former high school swimmers or college students trying to make some spending money over the summer. Speaking of teaching credentials… 3. Every ISR instructor undergoes 8 weeks of intense training. Hands on, in the pool with an ISR Master Instructor and students, learning the ISR method. For 8 weeks, we are in the pool 5x per week for several hours a day, for a minimum of 60 hours with ACTUAL students. In addition, we receive extensive hours of academic training in anatomy, physiology, child psychology, behavior and development, sensorimotor learning, and how each relates to the aquatic environment. Every instructor also maintains CPR and First Aid certifications, as well as annual recertification and testing to maintain our ISR certification and skills. Lastly, if you add up what you’d spend in a traditional swim program for a few weeks during the summer – where he leaves the class with little to no skills – and then multiply that by every summer until he is 6 years old, this program costs significantly less and the value is infinitely greater.
  • That's more than I can afford. Are there other options?
    PAYMENT PLANS Working out a payment plan is a great option for families who may be a bit overwhelmed at the cost, particularly with siblings enrolled, but are not candidates for a financial scholarship. Please inquire with your instructor about options to spread payments out a bit before and during a session. SCHOLARSHIPS ISR Baltimore has a few pay it forward scholarships that can be given out during each session to active military families, first responder families or families who may not be able to afford lessons. If you fall in one of these categories, please email for more information and qualifications.
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